Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation to Restore a More Alert and Energetic Look
The very latest in upper eyelid rejuvenation to restore a more alert and energetic look is finally here. Smartbleph is the treatment which would bring about a natural and well defined look to the face without revealing signs of surgical intervention. As a substitute cosmetic option for blepharoplasty, patients now have the freedom to choose the right procedure suited for their case specific condition.
A Complete Treatment
Plastic surgeons Dr Spero J Theodorou and Dr Christopher T Chia have introduced the new generation treatment Smartbleph in their AAAASF accredited facility in Manhattan New York. It is recognized as a complete treatment for loose and hanging skin of the upper eyelids that can achieve wondrous results with the help of Cynosure’s advanced laser modality for skin care – SmartSkin.
Patients undergo the treatment under local anesthesia without experiencing much pain or discomfort. The plastic surgeons surgically remove unwanted skin of the upper eyelid that cause sagging or droopiness. SmartSkin is then used to tighten the surrounding tissues. The rejuvenation procedure lives up to its name by giving a youthful look and at the same time enhancing the aesthetic beauty of the face by providing an arched eyebrow and long, thick eyelashes. All this is possible without patients having to worry about serious risks or complications during or after the procedure.
Minimal Downtime and Recovery
Smartbleph upper eyelid rejuvenation surgery lasts for about 30 minutes at the most. There is hardly much of bruising, swelling and bleeding, thereby ensuring minimal downtime and faster recovery for patients. Quite a number of people claim that the procedure had helped them restore a more alert and energetic look which they never thought possible before. The customized treatment is available for men and women who seek a simple, safe and effective procedure in Manhattan, New York City (NYC).