Smartbleph Eyelid Rejuvenation – Effective and Pain Free Procedure
Smartbleph eyelid rejuvenation is an effective and pain free blepharoplasty procedure that is simpler and quicker. This innovative technique has been developed exclusively by skilled plastic surgeons experienced in various plastic surgery procedures.
The Smartbleph Technique
Dr Spero J Theodorou and Dr Christopher T Chia are the plastic surgeons whose research has led to the development of the Smarbleph technique. Their expertise provides the best results for patients.
One of the key elements of Smartbleph eyelid rejuvenation that makes it an effective and pain free procedure is the Cynosure Smart Skin laser that tightens the surrounding tissue well and removes the excess upper eyelid skin. This results in the patient acquiring a youthful look, thanks to fresher looking eyes with the tightening of tissue and removal of excess skin, naturally arched eyebrows and long thick eyelashes.
Quicker and Safer Eyelid Surgery
The procedure takes no longer than 30 minutes and requires only local and not general anesthesia to be administered. The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and ensures patients experience the least discomfort.
The key features of the Smartbleph technique are:
- Improved confidence levels thanks to fresher looking eyes
- Faster recovery time for patients to return to normal routine sooner
- Local anesthesia employed for the operation
- Less bleeding and bruising, lesser complications
- Freedom from pain and reduced discomfort
The effective and pain free procedure of Smartbleph eyelid rejuvenation is safe, quick and guaranteed to offer the best results for all kinds of patients with unique eyelid features. The end result is sure to exceed expectations, without any severe complications to bring down the joy and confidence gained.